
Kimberley College has developed a comprehensive policy and procedure framework to uphold and support the rights and responsibilities of the whole community, staff, students, parents and stakeholders. 

Child Protection

Kimberley College is committed to supporting and protecting the interests and safety of children. The College has a zero tolerance for child abuse. Everyone working at the College is responsible for the care and protection of children and for reporting information about child abuse. 

Child Protection Policy

Child Risk Management Strategy

Complaints Handling

Kimberley College is open to receiving or hearing the concerns of visitors, parents, and the college community. Any complaint will be received in a positive manner and will be taken seriously. Kimberley College is committed to improving the services it provides and to protecting the wellbeing of its employees, students, volunteers and the wider School community.

Complaints Handling Policy

Complaints Handling Guide


Kimberley College is committed to protecting the privacy of individuals. The College supports and endorses the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) and will only compile, use, disclose, and store personal information in accordance with these principles.

Privacy Policy

Student Welfare 

Kimberley College has a zero tolerance to all forms of bullying, violence, harassment, and discrimination. The College is committed to providing students with a safe and healthy School Environment, promoting learning, personal growth and positive self-esteem, and preventing instances of bullying, violence, harassment, and discrimination.

Student Anti Bullying Policy

Student Attendance Policy

The Student Attendance Policy and Procedures outlines the expectations for student attendance at Kimberley College and the processes, including roles and responsibilities, and procedures used by Kimberley College.

Attendance Policy


This College is open to all who share the principles of Kimberley College. It seeks to be fair and open in the process of selection for prospective students.

Enrolment Policy

Parent and Community Code of Conduct

Kimberley College is dedicated to ensuring a respectful learning environment that is safe, positive, and supportive for all students, staff, and visitors of the School. It is the intention of the college to provide clear standards to all parents regarding the conduct expected whilst on the College premises and engaging in College related activities.

Parent And Community Code Of Conduct

Uniform and Presentation Policy 

The expectations of school uniform and presentation are clearly outlined.

Uniform and Presentation Policy


Workplace Health and Safety

Kimberley College is committed to the work health and safety (WHS) and welfare of all its employees and students, those contracted to perform work on its behalf and visitors to our premises. The College regards it’s WHS responsibilities with the utmost importance.

Workplace Health and Safety Policy 


Kimberley College is committed to maintaining and promoting high standards of integrity, governance, and ethical behaviour within the organisation by people at all levels, starting with the governing body, the principal, and senior management. Kimberley College is, therefore, encouraging the reporting of wrongdoing through appropriate channels.

Whistleblower Policy 2023

Medication Administration 

The purpose of this policy is to help provide a safe and healthy environment at Kimberley College by appropriately managing the administration of medication to students at the College

Medication Administratio Policy

For further information, email admin@kimberley.college