Parents and Friends
Parents & Friends – Supporting Our College & Connecting Our Community
The Kimberley College Parents and Friends (P&F) is an enthusiastic group of volunteers devoted to building community and to supporting the students, staff and parents of Kimberley College.
The Parents and Friends fosters fellowship between parents, friends, teachers and students. It also raises vital funds to provide and improve amenities and resources for the College and provides an avenue for parents to learn more about educational and other activities of the School while meeting in a social environment.
Working in partnership with the College, our main objective is to seek ways to enhance our students’ learning experience. Our aim is to both fund raise and friend raise.
Activities include the annual Mother and Father Day events, trivia nights, raising funds for cast and crew t-shirts for the musical and creating table decorations for the Year 12 formal.
We realise families are time poor these days, but even if you only have the time to attend at an occasional P&F event, your involvement is greatly appreciated. After all, the small contribution of many, can soon really help us achieve some worthwhile benefits for the students at the College.
To find out how you can get involved email or visit the P&F facebook page.